0800 6122 140
Increasing Standards in Security
Professional & Cost-effective Security Services across United Kingdom
*All our security officers are licensed & vetted by the Security Industry Authority*

K9 Security Dog Services
WillSecure provide K9 security dog services, for clients in all sectors, from Drug & Explosive Detection to General Patrol dogs. We operate these services across the United Kingdom to clients wishing to obtain the ultimate protection & deterrent. The most effective deterrent against a would-be burglar or vandals is a highly trained dog & it's handler.
Here at WillSecure we use our highly trained protection dogs on mobile patrols & offer it to site security clients to deter criminals, protect our staff & clients.
There aren't many people that would risk being challenged by a K9 dog team - you can run, you can hide but either way you will be caught & detained by the dog & it's handler.
K9 Security dog patrols are perfect for:
Areas with restricted vision, Building & Demolition Sites, Factories, Warehouses & rural premises
Large areas, parks, golf courses, farms & recreation grounds
Vulnerable property including unoccupied buildings, high net worth sites & vacant land
If the security of your business or property is giving you cause for concern then please contact us, or call 0800 6122 140 for no obligation meeting to evaluate your security requirements.

Drug Detection Dogs
K9 Drug detection dogs are active, energetic working dogs and pace-setters in the detection of illicit narcotics. Our drug dogs are positively reinforced by the presentation of a hard rubber ball, play toy or rolled up towel and enthusiastically pursue detection of illicit material, which becomes a very exciting and positive experience for the K9. WillSecure normally provide these services to venues or festivals & events.
Narcotics and illicit drugs utilized in detection training of our drug dogs include heroin, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines and derivatives thereof. WillSecure maintains an extensive range of registered samples and can also cater to any customer's specific request.